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Mos Jef

Mos Jef is a life coach and Master Level Practitioner and Teacher of the Emotional Freedom Technique. He is deeply integrated in his personal and professional usage of various psychetechnologies including EFT and Shadow Integration.

Jef has studied Shaolin Kung Fu, Chi Kung, Reiki, esoteric energetic practices, as well as cognitive sciences, giving him a deep understanding of how energetics, the body, and the mind all function in unison- and how to get them to coordinate on a deeper level.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia odio sed. Mauris pellentesque eget lorem malesuada wisi nec, nullam mus.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia odio sed. Mauris pellentesque eget lorem malesuada wisi nec, nullam mus.

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All The Tools You Need To Build A Successful Online

Mos Jef is a life coach and Master Level Practitioner and Teacher of the Emotional Freedom Technique. He is deeply integrated in his personal and professional usage of various psychetechnologies including EFT and Shadow Integration.

Jef has studied Shaolin Kung Fu, Chi Kung, Reiki, esoteric energetic practices, as well as cognitive sciences, giving him a deep understanding of how energetics, the body, and the mind all function in unison- and how to get them to coordinate on a deeper level.

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